Looking for an older version of InstaPro APK or InstaPro 2 APK? You’re in the right place! We’ve gathered all the previous versions of InstaPro APK from the very first release up to the latest update. Whether you’re looking for a specific feature or just prefer an older version, you can download any version that suits your needs.

VersionRelease DateFeaturesDownload Link
10January 2022Initial release, basic features of InstaProDownload v10
10.20April 2022Added new themes, improved privacy settingsDownload v10.20
10.52September 2022 Enhanced user interface, bug fixesDownload v10.52
10.55March 2023Added download option for stories, performance updatesDownload v10.55
10.60June 2023Introduced ad-blocking, improved media sharing optionsDownload v10.60
10.70November 2023Enhanced features, Bugs fixedDownload v10.70
10.75April 2024Enhanced privacy controls, support for newer devicesDownload v10.75
11.15July 2024New UI design, increased speed and stabilityDownload v11.15
11.20August 2024Enhanced features, bugs fixedDownload v11.20
11.40September 2024Customisable Fonts, Less lagging Download v11.40
11.50October 2024September 2024Download v11.50
11.60October 2024Instagram Story Downloading, Different Themes, and Bugs Fixed.Download v11.60
11.70November 2024IGTV Download Option, Stories and Reels savers, and some bugs fixed.Downloa v11.70
11.90December 2024Customisable Fonts, Less laging Download v11.90
11.95December 2024More Stable, No-Ads , Custom Local FontsDownload v11.95

Each version available here is completely free and safe to download. We ensure that all APKs are secure and won’t harm your device in any way. Feel free to browse through the versions and pick the one that you like the most.

Download your preferred InstaPro APK version now and enjoy the experience that suits you best!